Giving myself a break

It was a bit slow going for me last week, which I am choosing not to stress about because of how full my social calendar was at the time.

I had started out with the idea of writing a short film script for the 10 by 10 Short Script Challenge from Stranger with My Face. They sent an email with a prompt and participants had ten days to write the script. A few wriggles of ideas were noodling around my head, but nothing came together, so I just let it go. There’s always next year.

After skipping the problem with Chapter One, I managed to half of Chapter Two down and into the writing gang, who seemed to enjoy it. Chapter Two is working better for me all around, so I’m just going to move on from there.

Nothing much else got done, as the rest of my time was taken up with movie watching and being lazy.

Since I’m going to be traveling at the end of this week through next week, and will need to run errands and prep for that, I’m going to go easy on myself and keep my to-do list brief.

Things to do in the coming week:
– Complete Chapter two of novel
– Walk/Run at least three days at least 2 miles each day (0/3)
– Contact my sisters accountant to find out about setting up an IRA
– Get title transferred on my new car (I don’t know why I keep forgetting to do this)
– Get California taxes in for 2011, so I can start in on Cal and Fedral for 2012 next week

Feeling good about life

My biggest accomplishment of last week was getting the poetry manuscript out, which also happens to be my main goals for the year. I’m feeling quite good about that.

Did two days of exercise last week, neither of which included actual running, but I still felt good. I’ve also made it up some today, by walking over four miles today with some running intervals in the last two miles. So, I’m feeling great today.

The financial stuff was put aside last week, and getting that done, in combination with trying to get a short script written at the last minute, will be a priority for this week.

Things to do in the coming week:
– Write and submit horror script for 10 by 10 Short Script Challenge
– Rewrite Chapter One/Write Chapter Two of Novel
– Walk/Run at least three days this week & at least 2 miles each day (1/3)
– Do yoga (three sun salutations minimum) each morning before work (0/5)
– Contact my sisters accountant to find out about setting up an IRA
– Get info and such together to send taxes in.
– Get title transferred on my new car
– Either purchase new a new filing cabinet(s), and/or buy folders/large envelopes, and/or go through the process of sorting and putting everything in its place.
– Contact Apple store or computer guys and get data transferred from the old computer to the new one (may require giving up my computer for a few days) – May hold off on this till next week, which seems to be my ongoing motto here. *sigh*

Lots of steps. No words.

(Look a’ that. Late by only a day this time.)

In terms of exercise, I was a very good girl! I did one morning of yoga and four days of walking and have started incorporating run intervals via the 5K Runner app on the iPhone. So far, it’s working great for me, and I can see how I’m
getting stronger already. Having the intervals managed through a program, rather than my own volition, is helpful. I don’t have to think about it too much, and over thinking and mental stuff has been a big block to my ability to make progress.

In terms of words…, writing last week was a no go. Though things have been gestating and plans are being plotted, which is a form of progress, right? Right? The good news is I have to get my next section of the novel in to the Writing Gang by Wednesday night or Thursday morn this week, so words will be appearing without question this week.

In terms of the poetry collection, oye. I blew through the submission deadline for a chapbook publication that I really, really wanted to try for, so I’m a bit disappointed on that front. But what’s done is done. — WAIT! I just found out the deadline’s been extended! I can totally do this still! There’s another publisher that is looking for full length manuscripts with an upcoming deadline, so I’m thinking I should gear up for that one now.

In terms of financials, no progress has been made.

Things to do in the coming week:
– Rewrite Chapter One/Write Chapter Two of Novel
– Walk/Run at least three days this week & at least 2 miles each day (1/3)
– Do yoga (three sun salutations minimum) each morning before work (1/5)
– Make a list of poems I want to include in the collection
– Make edits to two of the poems I know I want to include
– Contact my sisters accountant to find out about setting up an IRA
– Get info and such together to send taxes in.
– Contact Apple store or computer guys and get data transferred from the old computer to the new one (may require giving up my computer for a few days)

How’s did last week go for you?

[Cross posted to my livejournal. You are welcome to comment either here or there.]

Being a belated Monday Update…

Saturday was spent in babysitting my niece and a significant chunk of that time was spent with her sleeping on my chest, while I watched The Goonies. Honestly, she’s the most delightful time-suck in the world. Going to hang out with her is a joyful black hole of baby love. No regrets.

Plus, I did a fairly good job at being productive before that, having managed to pull together a readable version of Chapter One of Under the Midday Moon in time for the Writing Gang meeting (it took me working on it through my lunch break and submitting it the day of the meeting — thank baby Jesus for deadlines, without which I would get nothing done). I’ve been having a hard time knowing where to begin with this story, but eventually figured that it was better to start somewhere rather than not putting words down at all. The resulting Chapter One was still not the right place to start, but the Gang offered some great feedback that now has me thinking of new scenes and perhaps a better place to begin. I couldn’t be where I am without having put those words down, so yay!

In terms of the physical, I managed to do two out my required three days. I absolutely could have fit that third day in there, but didn’t. Turning on the TV without specific purpose (eg., having a specific show to watch) is a problem for me. It’s easy to let a lot of valuable time vanish that way.

No work was done on the poetry or the financial side of things. *le sigh*

Things to do in the coming week:
– Write Chapter Two of Novel
– Walk/Run at least three days this week & at least 2 miles each day (1/3 down)
– Make a list of poems I want to include in the collection
– Make edits to two of the poems I know I want to include
– Contact Apple store or computer guys and get data transferred from the old computer to the new one (may require giving up my computer for a few days, hard to do when I’m in the midst of wanting to write)
– Contact my sisters accountant to find out about setting up an IRA
– Do yoga (three sun salutations minimum) each morning before work (1/5 done)

Anyway, how have you been and how are you doing?

[Cross-posted to my livejournal. You are welcome to comment either here or there.]

Second verse, same as the first…

Two walks were stashed under my belt this week (the second one was a bit rough, as it not only included intervals of running, but there were hills involved), and I got three days of morning yoga in. So, I’ve got the baby steps going in terms of physical activity.

Nothing else got accomplished this week. Again. I’m choosing not to beat myself up, however, because my day job was particularly stressful in terms of projects that need to get done on a deadline and so forth. I just needed the mental vacation when I went home at night. It was a good thing.

Things to do in the coming week:
– Contact Apple store or computer guys and get data transferred from the old computer to the new one (may require giving up my computer for a few days)
– Write Chapter One of Novel
– Walk/Run at least three days this week & at least 2 miles each day
– Make a list of poems I want to include in the collection
– Make edits to two of the poems I know I want to include
– Contact my sisters accountant to find out about setting up an IRA
– Do yoga (three sun salutations minimum) each morning before work


How are you all, mis amigos? Have a good weekend?

[Cross-posted to my livejournal. You are welcome to comment either here or there.]