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Poems Available Online
Collaborative Poetry Available Online


Necessary Poisons, Interstellar Flight Press, 2024









Twelve: Poems Inspired by the Brothers Grimm Tale, Interstellar Flight Press, September 2020







Every Girl Becomes the Wolf, authored in collaboration with Laura Madeline Wiseman, Finishing Line Press, August 2018








Your Molten Heart / A Seed to Hatch, Kickstarter Funded, March 2018










  • “Bird Collides with Window,” A Blackbird Sings: a book of small poems, Woodsmoke Press, 2012 [ USAUK | Kindle ]

Poems Available Online

Collaborative Poetry with Laura Madeline Wiseman

Laura Madeline Wiseman and I started experimenting with collaborative poetry in mid-2015 and have since written dozens of poems, which have appeared in both online and print journals and anthologies. Our chapbook, Every Girl Becomes the Wolf, is available from Finishing Line Press.

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