It was a mellow week last week. I gave myself space for that, just sitting around and watching TV and old movies.
I particularly loved binge watching Stranger Things — creepy and nostalgic with amazing music and some cool world building. I can’t wait for season two.
What I’m Reading
I didn’t read anything out of books last week, so I’m still working on both She Walks in Shadows, the anthology edited by Silvia Moreno-Garcia and Paula R. Stiles, and The Dragons of Heaven by Alyc Helms.
What I’m Writing
No new words were written last week, and no major editing. However, I did manage to make some minor tweaks to the new chapbook and send it out to a contest for consideration.
Goals for the Week:
- Edit and submit something
Linky Goodness
Jade Sharma tells the story of the terrible, no good, very bad day she woke up as a debut author.
On The Furiosa Test, How The Mad Max: Fury Road Heroine Is Inspiring More Inclusive Cinema, by Jamie Righetti.