So, um, guys. I … I got an email today and … and my poem, “Red Riding Hood Remembers,” which was published in Linden Avenue last year (thank you!) … It was nominated for a Rhysling award. A mother f*cking Rhysling.
You know who’s won Rhysling awards? Gene Wolfe and Ursula K. Le Guinn and Catherynne M. Valente … and I …
I know there are a ton of amazing poets nominated, and I wish them all the best. I am just so shocked and honored to be nominated, and I … just …
*crawls back into consciousness*
In other news, while on floating on the sea of joy of the above discovery, I have submitted a short story to Strange Horizons. More giddy and joyful feelings abound.
Now, I think it’s margarita time.