Whoops. I'm a day late. Just pretend it's Monday (or don't, I want the weekend to come too much).

I felt fairly productive last week, not as much as I could have, but still fairly productive. I wrote several poems, including some blackout poetry and one in particular was written for a specific market, but needs some more polishing first. I also posted a quick youtube video, after I found out that I now have over 100 subscribers. I got some more of my Germany stuff posted, too, but should really wrap it up soon.

On Saturday I went to the open studios art tour in Santa Cruz with my mom (after a giant greasy breakfast, of course). I was hungover, so I felt like I was floating the entire time I was there, but I really enjoyed seeing all the art work on display. Some of my favorites were:

  • Robert Larson, who takes discarded cigarette and matchstick packages and turns them into art work.
  • Nick Anderson, who does amazing fantasy and surreal paintings that just drip with eerie beauty
  • Susan Vaghan, who creates elaborate, sculptural assemblage pieces out of a variety found objects
  • Jennifer Pond, who’s paintings are playful and funny

There were many other amazing arists, of course, but these were the ones whose cards I managed to grab.

* * * *

To do in the coming week:
— finish posting photos and any write ups for Germany (some were done last week)
— write/edit 2-3 poems (already on my way, as I wrote one poem this morning and began another)
— submit something for publication
— post a youtube video
— draw anything
— get some words down on that blasted short story

Books Read in September

A little late, but here it is….

Books Read:
1. Ash, by Malinda Lo
2. The Secret Lives of Baba Segi’s Wives, by Lola Shoneyin
3. Essential Do’s and Taboos: The Complete Guide to International Business and Leisure Travel, by Roger E. Axtell
4. A Concise History of Germany, by Mary Fulbrook
5. Top Ten Berlin, by Juergen Scheunemann and Dorling Kindersley
6. The Children of Men, by P.D. James
7. A Local Habitation, by Seanan McGuire
8. Johnny Cash: I See a Darkness, by Reinhard Kleist

You can read the reviews on my livejournal.

I suppose I should post some goal orientated sort of thing, as it is Monday afterall.

Currently I am faced with a spiraling siege of procrastination, though this revolves mostly around my day job, it has leaked in to other aspects of my life as well. Thus, I give you my weekly goals list with a slight sense of trepidation.

To do in the coming week:
— finish posting photos and any write ups for Germany (which turned out to be a bigger task than I thought)
— write/edit 2-3 poems (already on my way, as I wrote one poem this morning and began another)
— submit something for publication
— post a youtube video
— draw anything
— get some words down on that blasted short story

[x-posted to my livejournal. If you feel inclined, you can comment either here or there.]

I'm getting settled back in …

… or at least as much as I can as I’m still sick, am not sleeping in my own bed because I’m house sitting, and will be this very week looking for an apartment to move into with my friend. Needless to say I’m going easy on the goals this week and they almost all revolve around finalizing my trip to Germany.

This week I need to
— get my photos together, posted to flickr, and labeled
— post some of my experiences from germany
— scan some pages from my travel journal for posting
— more of the same, I’m sure, as I get to thinking about it

* * *

The one report that I have for this week is that I came back to a rejection from Zyzzvya for a set of my poems in my mail box. Ah, well, on to the next market.

[x-posted to my livejournal. If you are inclined, you can comment here or there.]

Books Read in August

Books read:
1. The Dead-Tossed Waves, by Carrie Ryan
2. Richard Hittleman’s Yoga: 28 Day Exercise Plan, by Richard Hittleman
3. New Direction in Altered Books, by Gabe Cyr
4. To the Lighthouse, by Virginia Woolf

Boy, it’s been a really slow reading month for me. Hmm. Anywho, if you want to read my reviews for these, click here.